Monday, May 16, 2011

Korean Movie Time! : Sweet Lies

Ji-ho (Jin-hie Park)
Min-woo (Ki-woo Lee)

 I have watched a ton of Korean movies now and although all love stories may seem to be the same either American movies, Spanish movies or even French it never fails at some point in watching a Korean movie I began to tear up a little.  I don't know if its because I can relate, or maybe the movie's message is just that sweet. Whatever the case may be I love them. The latest Korean Movie I watched is called Sweet Lies.  

This movie is basically about a young women who plays a TV writer Ji-ho (Jin-hie Park) who has been secretly in love with Min-woo (Ki-woo Lee) for the last 10 years . . . .yea I said it 10 years!!  After a string of bad luck she somehow gets hit by Min-woos car and pretends to have amnesia and therefore sees her chance to get close to him.  The movie was sweet and funny.  I have seen Jin-hie Park in both comedic roles and dramatic roles and I must say she is one of my favorite Korean actresses and cute to boot!  If anyone knows what it feels like to like someone (maybe not for 10years . . . . at least I hope not) and would do just about anything to get that persons attention then you would probably enjoy this movie.  Yes it has subtitles but it does not take away from her charm and quick wit.

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